Monday, November 18, 2013

Becoming a Germophobe in the Supermarket

By now you have probably seen the shopping cart wipe stand at the front of just about every grocery store you walk into. Sometimes you will see a wipe dispenser hanging from a fixture by the cart corral. Other times you will encounter an entire cart wipe station, complete with a convenient trash can to discard used wipes.
There is a reason cart wipes are becoming a national trend. Several studies have surfaced that reveal what really resides on our shopping cart handles and baby seats. Think about it. Most carts are used by at least a hundred people each week. This includes people who may be carrying the flu or cold virus. That baby seat may look like a perfect spot for your fresh produce, but it can harbor germs left by an infant armed with the loaded diaper. Leaking bags of seafood or raw chicken can leave traces of salmonella and other harmful contaminants all over cart components.

A recent study at the University of Arizona reveals just how filthy and germ-laden shopping carts can be. Researchers swabbed 85 carts from four different states. Over 72 percent of the carts tested positive for fecal bacteria. When they examined some of the samples, they discovered Escherichia coli, also known as E. coli, on over half of them. Those conducting the study actually found more fecal bacteria on grocery cart handles than you would typically find in a bathroom. The main reason for this is simply that bathrooms are usually disinfected more often than shopping carts.
The reality behind this hidden nastiness is that it can make your very sick. Every time you touch a tainted cart handle you pick up thousands of germs. If you immediately rub your eyes or touch your mouth, you are giving these microbes an open door invitation to your immune system. Teething babies can become ill after putting their mouths on dirty cart components. Washing your hands after using a shopping cart is a good idea, but by that time it is usually too late. The best solution is to disinfect cart components prior to using them.

Since most stores rarely clean and disinfect their shopping carts, it’s up to the shopper.

High quality cart wipes contain a non-alcohol sanitizing solution. This is good because alcohol can dry out your skin. Benzalkonium Chloride is the most common chemical found in the best wipes on the market. Wiping down the most common areas such as the seat and handle will kill millions of germs you would otherwise come in contact with. Many shoppers forget to wipe the areas they place their produce and fresh fruit. This is extremely important considering fresh fruit and produce are the most likely items in your basket to become contaminated.

So, next time you are at the supermarket or your favorite grocery store, make sure to wipe down your cart before you make the trip down the aisles. It’s just the healthy thing to do. If your favorite store doesn’t have a cartwipe stand near the entrance, talk to the manager about getting one.

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