Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Bio Plastics Versus Compostable Plastic

Bio plastics have been around for several years. The process is fairly simple. These plastics are made using natural compounds like corn starch, pea starch or microbiota. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that bioplastics are always biodegradable. The problem with bio plastics is that there isn't any determined time for the substance to break down.  For instance: large bio plastic bags, such as the common lawn and leaf bag can have a degradation time of 1 year or more.

Compostable plastics are a different breed. Instead of just using natural compounds, compostable plastics use natural substances like wood lignin. When this natural polymer is melted down, it can be used to make a form of degradable plastic that will vanish in a compostable environment in as little as 180 days. When wood lignin breaks down, it turns into humus. This substance actually improves soil structure.  The degradation process with this type of plastic actually improves our environment and occurs at a much faster rate. Below is a chart showing the break down process.